Saturday, June 7, 2008

problem solved /libraries/joomla/html/editor.php on line 263

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Fatal error: Call to undefined method: stdClass->ondisplay() in .... Fatal error: Call to undefined method: stdClass-> ondisplay ()

Fatal error: Call to undefined method stdClass::onDisplay() in /libraries/joomla/html/editor.php on line 263

Solution is simple friends

Go to plugin manager and

enable Editor - XStandard Lite 2.0 >> this will do the work

don't forget to add this page link wherever you post


Anonymous said...

Didnt work for me ....:(

نكت مضحكة said...

I found the answer.
You installed DOC-MAN with legacy mode.
Just disable the DOCLink plugin - it will solve it.

I didnt care for the doc-man component. so it was my answer.